political campaign ads on facebook
Political campaign ads trump super bowl content on youtube in january 2016. 10 common mistakes political campaigns make on facebook here are easy to avoid, correctable issues with any political facebook page. Political scientists, current campaign advisors and former digital gurus to barack obama and mitt romney agree: a facebook ad is perhaps the best money to spend in.
Political scientists, current campaign advisors and former digital gurus to barack obama and mitt romney agree: a facebook ad is perhaps the best money to spend in.
A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group. in democracies, political campaigns often. The political ticker blog died of old age on oct. 13, 2014, after eight years of faithful service to cnn's readers. the ticker began quietly in october 2006, fueled. What would an honest politician actually sound like? old gil is running for senate against and alison lundergan grimes. help gil run for president at http.